Intelligence and Income


Nurfatima Jandarova

Aldo Rustichini

Center of Excellence in Tax Systems Research, Tampere University

Department of Economics, University of Minnesota


March 22, 2024



Determinants of education: Heckman, Stixrud, and Urzua (2006), Almlund et al. (2011), Björklund and Salvanes (2011), Ichino, Rustichini, and Zanella (2022)

Genes and environment in education: Rustichini et al. (2023)

UK Household Longitudinal Study (2009-)

Working sample: 22 881 individuals

  • college: ever had HE degree as highest qualification

  • predicted discounted present value of earnings

  • cognitive test scores , Big 5 personality scores

  • parental background: education and employment status


Genotyped subsample: 3 413 individuals

College and individual characteristics

df %>% 
  as_survey_design(ids = c_psu, 
                   strata = c_strata, 
                   weights = c_indinub_xw) %>% 
  group_by(gscorep_qnt, etap_fam_qnt, etap_big5_qnt) %>% 
  summarise(cmean = survey_mean(college, vartype = 'ci')) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = gscorep_qnt, 
             y = cmean, ymin = cmean_low, ymax = cmean_upp, 
             colour = factor(etap_fam_qnt), 
             group = factor(etap_fam_qnt))) + 
  geom_pointrange() + 
  geom_line() + 
  facet_wrap(~ etap_big5_qnt, scales = 'fixed', 
             labeller = as_labeller(function(x) 
               paste('Big5 score quintile =', x))) + 
  labs(x = 'IQ score quintile', y = 'Share with college degree', 
       colour = 'Fam score quintile') + 
  scale_colour_viridis_d() + 
  theme_minimal() + 
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom', 
        axis.line = element_line())

Probability of college

tab1 <- read_dta('tab1.dta')
tab1 <- tab1 %>% rename(std.error = std_err)
tab1 <- tab1 %>% 
  mutate(p.value = pnorm(abs(estimate) / std.error, 
                         lower.tail = FALSE))

tab1_list <- tab1 %>% 
  nest(.by = c(cohort, spec)) %>% 
  mutate(cohort = str_extract(cohort, '(?<=19)[:digit:]{2}')) %>% 
  unite('id', spec, cohort, sep = '') %>% 

tab1_ols50 <- list(tidy = tab1_list$ols50,
                   glance = tab1_list$ols50 %>% distinct(N))
tab1_lme50 <- list(tidy = tab1_list$logme50, 
                   glance = tab1_list$logme50 %>% distinct(N))
tab1_ols65 <- list(tidy = tab1_list$ols65,
                   glance = tab1_list$ols65 %>% distinct(N))
tab1_lme65 <- list(tidy = tab1_list$ols65,
                   glance = tab1_list$ols65 %>% distinct(N))
tab1_ols80 <- list(tidy = tab1_list$ols80,
                   glance = tab1_list$ols80 %>% distinct(N))
tab1_lme80 <- list(tidy = tab1_list$ols80,
                   glance = tab1_list$ols80 %>% distinct(N))

class(tab1_ols50) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab1_lme50) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab1_ols65) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab1_lme65) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab1_ols80) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab1_lme80) <- 'modelsummary_list'

modelsummary(list(OLS = tab1_ols50, 
                  'Logit ME' = tab1_lme50, 
                  OLS = tab1_ols65, 
                  'Logit ME' = tab1_lme65, 
                  OLS = tab1_ols80, 
                  'Logit ME' = tab1_lme80), 
             coef_map = c(g_score_std = 'IQ score', 
                          eta_fam_score_std = 'Fam score', 
                          eta_big5_score_std = 'Big5 score'), 
             gof_map = list(list(raw = 'N', clean = 'Obs.', 
                                 fmt = function(x) format(x, 
                                                          big.mark = ' '))), 
             stars = c('*' = .05, '**' = .01, '***' = 0.001)) %>% 
  group_tt(j = list('Born in 1950-64' = 2:3, 
                    'Born in 1965-79' = 4:5, 
                    'Born in 1980-94' = 6:7))
Born in 1950-64 Born in 1965-79 Born in 1980-94
OLS Logit ME OLS Logit ME OLS Logit ME
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
IQ score 0.137*** 0.152*** 0.151*** 0.151*** 0.130*** 0.130***
(0.005) (0.007) (0.005) (0.005) (0.006) (0.006)
Fam score 0.050*** 0.054*** 0.077*** 0.077*** 0.074*** 0.074***
(0.005) (0.008) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006)
Big5 score 0.006 0.015** 0.010* 0.010* 0.014* 0.014*
(0.006) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006)
Obs. 9 539 9 539 10 586 10 586 8 409 8 409

SEM of college and wages

tab3 <- read_dta('tab3.dta')
tab3 <- tab3 %>% rename(std.error = std_err)
tab3 <- tab3 %>% 
  mutate(p.value = pnorm(abs(estimate) / std.error, 
                         lower.tail = FALSE))

tab3_list <- tab3 %>% 
  nest(.by = c(cohort, depvar)) %>% 
  mutate(cohort = str_extract(cohort, '(?<=19)[:digit:]{2}')) %>% 
  unite('id', depvar, cohort, sep = '') %>% 

tab3_wage4550 <- list(tidy = tab3_list$wage4550,
                   glance = tab3_list$wage4550 %>% distinct(N))
tab3_college50 <- list(tidy = tab3_list$college50, 
                   glance = tab3_list$college50 %>% distinct(N))
tab3_wage4565 <- list(tidy = tab3_list$wage4565,
                   glance = tab3_list$wage4565 %>% distinct(N))
tab3_college65 <- list(tidy = tab3_list$college65,
                   glance = tab3_list$college65 %>% distinct(N))
tab3_wage4580 <- list(tidy = tab3_list$wage4580,
                   glance = tab3_list$wage4580 %>% distinct(N))
tab3_college80 <- list(tidy = tab3_list$college80,
                   glance = tab3_list$college80 %>% distinct(N))

class(tab3_wage4550) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab3_college50) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab3_wage4565) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab3_college65) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab3_wage4580) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab3_college80) <- 'modelsummary_list'

modelsummary(list('Pred. wage' = tab3_wage4550, 
                  'College' = tab3_college50, 
                  'Pred. wage' = tab3_wage4565, 
                  'College' = tab3_college65, 
                  'Pred. wage' = tab3_wage4580, 
                  'College' = tab3_college80), 
             coef_map = c(college = 'College',  
                          g_score_std = 'IQ score', 
                          eta_fam_score_std = 'Fam score', 
                          eta_big5_score_std = 'Big5 score', 
                          indirect = 'Indirect effect', 
                          total = 'Total effect'), 
             gof_map = list(list(raw = 'N', clean = 'Obs.', 
                                 fmt = function(x) format(x, 
                                                          big.mark = ' '))), 
             stars = c('*' = .05, '**' = .01, '***' = 0.001)) %>% 
  group_tt(j = list('Born in 1950-64' = 2:3, 
                    'Born in 1965-79' = 4:5, 
                    'Born in 1980-94' = 6:7)) %>% 
  style_tt(i = -1:13, fontsize = 0.75, 
           tabularray_inner = "rowsep = {-.22em}, colsep = {.4em}") %>% 
  style_tt(i = 8, line = 'b', line_width = .001)
Born in 1950-64 Born in 1965-79 Born in 1980-94
Pred. wage College Pred. wage College Pred. wage College
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
College 0.820*** 0.804*** 0.651***
(0.020) (0.016) (0.015)
IQ score 0.082*** 1.018*** 0.077*** 0.917*** 0.045*** 0.788***
(0.009) (0.046) (0.007) (0.039) (0.007) (0.044)
Fam score 0.382*** 0.492*** 0.453***
(0.051) (0.040) (0.041)
Big5 score 0.082* 0.081** 0.128***
(0.037) (0.033) (0.037)
Indirect effect 0.126*** 0.136*** 0.096***
(0.006) (0.005) (0.005)
Total effect 0.208*** 0.213*** 0.140***
(0.009) (0.007) (0.007)
Obs. 9 496 9 496 10 488 10 488 8 382 8 382
  # kable_styling(font_size = 8) %>% 
  # row_spec(8, hline_after = TRUE) %>% 
  # add_header_above(c(' ' = 1, 
  #                    'Born in 1950-64' = 2, 
  #                    'Born in 1965-79' = 2, 
  #                    'Born in 1980-94' = 2))


Individuals described by \(z \in Z = \Theta \times X \times Y\)

  • intelligence \(\theta \in \Theta\)
  • family advantage score \(x \in X\)
  • Big 5 personality score \(y \in Y\)

Human capital \(H \equiv \{nc, c\}\) (no college vs college)

DPV of earnings \(W(h, z, \delta) = \sum_{a = 18}^{65}\delta^{a - 18} W(h, z, a)\)

Choose effort \(e \in \mathbb{R}_{+}\) to acquire human capital \(h = c\) given cost \(\frac{c(e)}{\Gamma(z)}\)

\[ \max_e \pi(e) \left[W(c, z, \delta) - W(nc, z, \delta)\right] - \frac{c(e)}{\Gamma(z)} \]


Denote \(A = \left(W(c, z, \delta) - W(nc, z, \delta)\right)\Gamma(z)\). Then, optimal effort solution

\[ E^\star(A; \pi) \equiv \arg\max_e \pi(e)A - e \]

\(\Pi\) is the set of functions \(\pi: \mathbb{R}_+ \rightarrow [0, 1]\) that are strictly increasing, concave, continuous at 0, \(\pi(0) = 0\), \(\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} \pi(x) = 1\).

For \(P(A)\) increasing in \(A\) and upper semi-continuous in \(\Delta W\), \(\exists \pi \in \Pi\) such that

\[P(A) = \pi\left(E^\star(A; \pi)\right)\]


We consider four functional forms that can describe \(P(A)\):

  • Linear probability model \(P(A) = A\)
  • Logit \(P(A) = (1 + e^{-A})^{-1}\)
  • Logit power \(P(A) = (1 + e^{-A})^{-\kappa}, ~\kappa \in \mathbb{R}_{+}\)
  • Cutoff power \(P(A) = \min\{\max\{A, 0\}^\kappa, 1\}, ~\kappa \in \mathbb{R}_{+}\)

Two-step estimation:

  1. Given \(\delta\) and \(\kappa\), fit \(P(A)\) to the observed college indicators.
  2. Grid search \(\hat{\delta}\) and \(\hat{\kappa}\) that minimise sum of squared residuals.


tab4 <- read_dta('tab4.dta')
tab4 <- tab4 %>% rename(std.error = std_error)
tab4 <- tab4 %>% 
  mutate(print_error = if_else(, 
                               std.error, boot_error))
tab4 <- tab4 %>% 
  mutate(p.value = pnorm(abs(estimate) / print_error, 
                         lower.tail = FALSE))

tab4_list <- tab4 %>% nest(.by = c(spec)) %>% deframe()

tab4_lpm <- list(tidy = tab4_list$LPM,
                 glance = tab4_list$LPM %>% 
                   distinct(rmse, mean_cp, sd_cp, 
                            delta, power, N))
tab4_log <- list(tidy = tab4_list$Logit, 
                 glance = tab4_list$Logit %>% 
                   distinct(rmse, mean_cp, sd_cp, 
                            delta, power, N))
tab4_logp <- list(tidy = tab4_list$`Logit power`, 
                  glance = tab4_list$`Logit power` %>% 
                    distinct(rmse, mean_cp, sd_cp, 
                             delta, power, N))
tab4_cutp <- list(tidy = tab4_list$`Cutoff power`, 
                  glance = tab4_list$`Cutoff power` %>% 
                    distinct(rmse, mean_cp, sd_cp, 
                             delta, power, N))

class(tab4_lpm) <- 'modelsummary_list' 
class(tab4_log) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab4_logp) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab4_cutp) <- 'modelsummary_list'

gof_tab <- list(list(raw = 'N', 
                     clean = 'Obs.', 
                     fmt = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ' ')), 
                list(raw = 'delta', 
                     clean = '$\\delta$', 
                     fmt = 3), 
                list(raw = 'power', 
                     clean = '$\\kappa$', 
                     fmt = 2), 
                list(raw = 'mean_cp', 
                     clean = 'College premium mean', 
                     fmt = 2), 
                list(raw = 'sd_cp', 
                     clean = 'College premium sd', 
                     fmt = 2))
modelsummary(list('LPM' = tab4_lpm, 
                  'Logit' = tab4_log, 
                  'Logit power\\footnotemark[1]' = tab4_logp, 
                  'Cutoff power\\footnotemark[1]' = tab4_cutp), 
             statistic = '({print_error})', 
             coef_map = c(g_score_std = 'IQ score', 
                          eta_fam_score_std = 'Fam score', 
                          eta_big5_score_std = 'Big5 score', 
                          sdd_earn_2 = 'College premium, std'), 
             gof_map = gof_tab, 
             stars = c('*' = .05, '**' = .01, '***' = 0.001), 
             width = c(0.27, rep((1 - 0.25) / 4, 4)), 
             escape = FALSE, notes = list(`1`= 'Bootstrapped standard errors')) %>% 
  style_tt(i = 0:15, fontsize = 0.8, 
           tabularray_inner = "rowsep={-.22em}, colsep = {.4em}")
LPM Logit Logit power\footnotemark[1] Cutoff power\footnotemark[1]
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
1 Bootstrapped standard errors
IQ score 0.118*** 0.089*** 0.104*** 0.108***
(0.005) (0.007) (0.006) (0.006)
Fam score 0.061*** 0.054*** 0.058*** 0.058***
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Big5 score 0.025*** 0.038*** 0.032*** 0.031***
(0.003) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
College premium, std 0.026*** 0.060*** 0.042*** 0.040***
(0.006) (0.009) (0.007) (0.007)
Obs. 31 571 31 571 31 571 31 571
$\delta$ 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925
$\kappa$ 2.90 1.20
College premium mean 36.95 36.95 36.95 36.95
College premium sd 9.77 9.77 9.77 9.77

Results with polygenic scores

Simple logit without college premium

tab6a <- read_dta('tab6a.dta')
tab6a <- tab6a %>% rename(std.error = std_error)
tab6a <- tab6a %>% 
  mutate(p.value = pnorm(abs(estimate) / std.error, 
                         lower.tail = FALSE))
tab6a_list <- tab6a %>% nest(.by = c(spec)) %>% deframe()

tab6a_lpm <- list(tidy = tab6a_list$LPM,
                  glance = tab6a_list$LPM %>% distinct(N))
tab6a_log <- list(tidy = tab6a_list$`Logit ME`, 
                  glance = tab6a_list$`Logit ME` %>% distinct(N))

class(tab6a_lpm) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab6a_log) <- 'modelsummary_list'

gof_tab <- list(list(raw = 'N', 
                     clean = 'Obs.', 
                     fmt = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ' ')))
modelsummary(list('LPM' = tab6a_lpm, 
                  'Logit ME' = tab6a_log), 
             coef_map = c(pgs_std_cobs_hm3p = 'IQ PGS', 
                          eta_fam_score_std = 'Fam score', 
                          eta_big5_score_std = 'Big5 score'), 
             gof_map = gof_tab, 
             stars = c('*' = .05, '**' = .01, '***' = 0.001), 
             width = 1)
LPM Logit ME
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
IQ PGS 0.067*** 0.066***
(0.007) (0.007)
Fam score 0.094*** 0.118***
(0.008) (0.010)
Big5 score 0.019** 0.019**
(0.008) (0.008)
Obs. 3 602 3 602

Results with polygenic scores

tab6 <- read_dta('tab6.dta')
tab6 <- tab6 %>% rename(std.error = std_error)
tab6 <- tab6 %>% 
  mutate(p.value = pnorm(abs(estimate) / std.error, 
                         lower.tail = FALSE))
tab6_list <- tab6 %>% nest(.by = c(spec)) %>% deframe()

tab6_lpm <- list(tidy = tab6_list$LPM,
                 glance = tab6_list$LPM %>% 
                   distinct(mean_cp, sd_cp, delta, power, N))
tab6_log <- list(tidy = tab6_list$Logit, 
                 glance = tab6_list$Logit %>% 
                   distinct(mean_cp, sd_cp, delta, power, N))
tab6_logp <- list(tidy = tab6_list$`Logit power`, 
                  glance = tab6_list$`Logit power` %>% 
                    distinct(mean_cp, sd_cp, delta, power, N))
tab6_cutp <- list(tidy = tab6_list$`Cutoff power`, 
                  glance = tab6_list$`Cutoff power` %>% 
                    distinct(mean_cp, sd_cp, delta, power, N))

class(tab6_lpm) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab6_log) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab6_logp) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(tab6_cutp) <- 'modelsummary_list'

gof_tab <- list(list(raw = 'N', 
                     clean = 'Obs.', 
                     fmt = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ' ')), 
                list(raw = 'delta', 
                     clean = '$\\delta$', 
                     fmt = 3), 
                list(raw = 'power', 
                     clean = '$\\kappa$', 
                     fmt = 2), 
                list(raw = 'mean_cp', 
                     clean = 'College premium mean', 
                     fmt = 2), 
                list(raw = 'sd_cp', 
                     clean = 'College premium sd', 
                     fmt = 2))
modelsummary(list('LPM' = tab6_lpm, 
                  'Logit' = tab6_log, 
                  'Logit power' = tab6_logp, 
                  'Cutoff power' = tab6_cutp), 
             coef_map = c(pgsp_cobs_hm3p = 'IQ PGS', 
                          etap_fam = 'Fam score', 
                          etap_big5 = 'Big5 score', 
                          diff4_earn = 'College premium, std'), 
             gof_map = gof_tab, 
             stars = c('*' = .05, '**' = .01, '***' = 0.001), 
             escape = FALSE, 
             width = c(0.27, rep((1 - 0.27) / 4, 4))) %>% 
  style_tt(i = 0:14, fontsize = .9, 
           tabularray_inner = "rowsep={-.2em}, colsep = {.3em}")
LPM Logit Logit power Cutoff power
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
IQ PGS 0.038*** 0.034** 0.036** 0.037***
(0.011) (0.012) (0.012) (0.011)
Fam score 0.085*** 0.154*** 0.146*** 0.134***
(0.008) (0.011) (0.011) (0.010)
Big5 score 0.109*** 0.102** 0.105** 0.115***
(0.031) (0.034) (0.034) (0.034)
College premium, std 0.007** 0.006** 0.006** 0.007**
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Obs. 3 602 3 602 3 602 3 602
$\delta$ 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925
$\kappa$ 2.90 1.20
College premium mean 84.86 84.86 84.86 84.86
College premium sd 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27


  • Revisit role of intelligence, personality and family characteristics in education choice

  • Conditions linking econometric specification to individual optimization

  • Further analysis with polygenic scores


Predicted wage profile

Intelligence score

Combine individual test scores using confirmatory factor analysis

Using "tree" as default layout

Big 5 personality score

Combine individual test scores using principal component analysis

Score Loading
Agreeableness 0.4408
Conscientiousness 0.4970
Extraversion 0.4628
Neuroticism -0.3751
Openness 0.4514

PC1 explains 36% of variation in the data

Family advantage score

Combine education of parents and their employment status using principal component analysis

Variable Loading (mother) Loading (father)
Years of education 0.4020 0.4286
Work 0.2243 0.5527
Dead -0.0889 -0.2958
Absent -0.2042 -0.4023

PC1 explains 23% of variation in the data

METADAC vs full sample

bal <- read_dta('tab-bal.dta') 
bal_list <- bal %>% nest(.by = dataset) %>% deframe()
bal_ukhls_work <- list(tidy = bal_list$UKHLS, 
                       glance = tibble())
bal_mdac_full <- list(tidy = bal_list$METADAC, 
                      glance = tibble())
bal_mdac_work <- list(tidy = bal_list$METADAC_work, 
                      glance = tibble())

class(bal_ukhls_work) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(bal_mdac_full) <- 'modelsummary_list'
class(bal_mdac_work) <- 'modelsummary_list'

modelsummary(list('Working sample' = bal_ukhls_work, 
                  'Full sample' = bal_mdac_full, 
                  'Working sample' = bal_mdac_work), 
             estimate = 'mean', 
             statistic = c('({sd})', '{N}'), 
             fmt = fmt_statistic(estimate = 3, 
                                 sd = 3, 
                                 N = function(x) format(x, big.mark = ' ')), 
             coef_map = c(male = 'Male', 
                          c_age_dv = 'Age', 
                          whitebritish = 'White British', 
                          college = 'College', 
                          m_work = 'Mother worked', 
                          myedu = "Mother's years of edu", 
                          f_work = 'Father worked', 
                          fyedu = "Father's years of edu"), 
             shape = model ~ term, 
             escape = FALSE, 
             width = c(0.2, rep((1 - 0.2) / 8, 8))) %>% 
  style_tt(i = 0:11, fontsize = 0.75, 
           tabularray_inner = "rowsep={-.2em}, colsep = {.3em}") %>% 
  group_tt(i = list('UKHLS' = 1, 'METADAC' = 4))
Male Age White British College Mother worked Mother's years of edu Father worked Father's years of edu
Working sample 0.440 41.811 0.818 0.304 0.600 11.480 0.823 11.775
(0.496) (13.907) (0.386) (0.460) (0.490) (2.830) (0.382) (3.464)
31 571 31 571 31 571 31 571 31 571 31 571 31 571 31 571
Full sample 0.428 46.345 0.973 0.264 0.666 11.259 0.887 11.298
(0.495) (12.901) (0.161) (0.441) (0.472) (2.369) (0.316) (3.524)
7 281 7 236 7 281 7 251 5 248 7 281 5 256 7 281
Working sample 0.441 45.865 1.000 0.304 0.695 11.759 0.898 12.070
(0.497) (10.890) (0.000) (0.460) (0.460) (2.420) (0.303) (3.423)
3 413 3 413 3 413 3 413 3 413 3 413 3 413 3 413

Polygenic score

mdac %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = pgs_std_cobs_hm3p, 
             y = g_score_std)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth() + 
  labs(x = 'IQ PGS', y = 'IQ score') + 
`geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula = 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'
Warning: Removed 978 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
Warning: Removed 978 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Proposition (continuously differentiable)

Redefine the effort choice problem as \(e^\star(\alpha; \pi) \equiv \arg \max_e \pi(e) - \alpha e\) where \(\alpha = A^{-1}\).

The set of endogenous probabilities is the set \(\mathcal{Q}\) of multivalued functions \(Q: \mathbb{R}_{+} \rightarrow [0,1]\) that are decreasing, closed valued, with \(\lim_{\alpha \rightarrow 0} Q(\alpha) = 1\), \(Q(\overline{\alpha}) = 0\) for some \(\overline{\alpha} >0\).

For any function \(Q \in \mathcal{Q}\) which is continuously differentiable strictly decreasing in the interval \([\underline{\alpha}, \overline{\alpha}]\), with \(Q(\underline{\alpha}) =0\), \(Q(\overline{\alpha}) =1\), there exists a continuously differentiable function \(\pi \in \Pi\) such that for all \(\alpha \in \mathbb{R}_{+}\), \(Q(\alpha) = \pi(h(\alpha; \pi))\).

Proposition proof (continuously differentiable)

Note that \(Q(\alpha)=0\) for \(\alpha > \overline{\alpha}\), so we may take the boundary condition

\[ h(\overline{\alpha}) = 0 \]

Consider the ordinary differential equation

\[ \frac{d h}{d \alpha} = \frac{Q^{\prime}}{\alpha}, \quad \alpha > 0 \]

We now define the function \(\pi\) as the solution of \(\pi(h(\alpha)) = Q(\alpha)\). The function \(h\) satisfies the differential equation, which is the first order necessary and sufficient conditions for optimal effort choice problem, namely \(\pi^{\prime}(h(\alpha)) = \alpha\). Thus, our claim follows.

Logit power

logp_fun <- function(x, kappa) (1 + exp(-x))^(-kappa)
logp_xlim <- c(-5, 5)
ggplot() + 
  geom_function(fun = function(x) logp_fun(x, 0.1), 
                aes(colour = '0.1'), xlim = logp_xlim) + 
  geom_function(fun = function(x) logp_fun(x, 0.5), 
                aes(colour = '0.5'), xlim = logp_xlim) +
  geom_function(fun = function(x) logp_fun(x, 1), 
                aes(colour = '1'), xlim = logp_xlim) +
  geom_function(fun = function(x) logp_fun(x, 2), 
                aes(colour = '2'), xlim = logp_xlim) + 
  geom_function(fun = function(x) logp_fun(x, 4), 
                aes(colour = '4'), xlim = logp_xlim) + 
  labs(x = 'A', y = 'P(A)', colour = '') + 
  scale_colour_brewer(palette = 'Set1', 
                      labels = c(expression(kappa == 0.1), 
                                 expression(kappa == 0.5), 
                                 expression(kappa == 1), 
                                 expression(kappa == 2), 
                                 expression(kappa == 4))) + 
  theme_minimal() + 
  theme(legend.position = c(0.85, 0.4))
Warning: A numeric `legend.position` argument in `theme()` was deprecated in ggplot2
ℹ Please use the `legend.position.inside` argument of `theme()` instead.

Cutoff power

cutp_fun <- function(x, kappa) pmin(pmax(x, 0)^kappa, 1)
cutp_xlim <- c(-0.2, 1.2)
ggplot() + 
  geom_function(fun = function(x) cutp_fun(x, 0.1), 
                aes(colour = '0.1'), xlim = cutp_xlim) + 
  geom_function(fun = function(x) cutp_fun(x, 0.5), 
                aes(colour = '0.5'), xlim = cutp_xlim) +
  geom_function(fun = function(x) cutp_fun(x, 1), 
                aes(colour = '1'), xlim = cutp_xlim) +
  geom_function(fun = function(x) cutp_fun(x, 2), 
                aes(colour = '2'), xlim = cutp_xlim) + 
  geom_function(fun = function(x) cutp_fun(x, 4), 
                aes(colour = '4'), xlim = cutp_xlim) + 
  labs(x = 'A', y = 'P(A)', colour = '') + 
  scale_colour_brewer(palette = 'Set1', 
                      labels = c(expression(kappa == 0.1), 
                                 expression(kappa == 0.5), 
                                 expression(kappa == 1), 
                                 expression(kappa == 2), 
                                 expression(kappa == 4))) + 
  theme_minimal() + 
  theme(legend.position = c(0.85, 0.4))


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