Grade 5 | Grade 4 | |||
Reading | Math | Reading | Math | |
Class size | -0.410 | -0.185 | -0.098 | 0.095 |
(0.113) | (0.151) | (0.090) | (0.114) | |
Mean score | 74.5 | 67.0 | 72.5 | 68.7 |
SD score | 8.2 | 10.2 | 7.8 | 9.1 |
Obs | 471 | 471 | 415 | 415 |
KAT.TAL.322 Advanced Course in Labour Economics
March 20, 2024
Knowledge/productivity doesn’t rise linearly with years of education.
Production process that takes inputs and develops skills.
Education output of pupil \(i\) in school \(j\) in community \(k\)
\[ q_{ijk} = q(P_i, S_{ij}, C_{ik}) \]
where \(\begin{align}P_i &\quad \text{are pupil characteristics} \\ S_{ij} &\quad \text{are school inputs} \\ C_{ik} &\quad \text{are non-school inputs}\end{align}\)
Years of schooling, standardised test scores, noncognitive skills
Student inputs
Parental characteristics, family income, family size, genetics, patience, effort
School inputs
Teacher characteristics, class sizes, teacher-student ratio, school expenditures, school facilities
Non-school inputs
Peers, local economic conditions, national curricula, regulations, certification rules
Source: Hanushek (2003), Table 3
Static vs cumulative \(\Rightarrow\) levels vs value added
Endogenous allocation of resources by schools
Differences in measured output, multiple outputs
Aggregate policy inputs (curricula, regulation, institutions, etc.)
Other school inputs (selectivity, teacher biases)
Stronger results in lower quality studies
Achievement of student \(i\) in family \(j\) at age \(a\)
\[ q_{ija} = q_a\left(\mathbf{F}_{ij}(a), \mathbf{S}_{ij}(a), \mu_{ij0}, \varepsilon_{ija}\right) \]
\[ q_{ija} = q_a(F_{ija}, S_{ija}) + \varepsilon_{ija} \]
Strong assumptions:
\[ q_{ija} = q_a\left(F_{ija}, S_{ija}, \color{#9a2515}{q_{a-1}\left[F_{ij}(a - 1), S_{ij}(a - 1), \mu_{ij0}, \varepsilon_{ij, a - 1}\right]}, \varepsilon_{ija}\right) \]
Typical empirical estimation assumes linear separability and \(q_a(\cdot) = q(\cdot)\):
\[ q_{ija} = F_{ija} \alpha_F + S_{ija} \alpha_S + \gamma q_{ij, a - 1} + \nu_{ija} \]
Additional assumptions implied:
Still assume linear separability:
\[ q_{ija} = \sum_{t = 1}^a X_{ijt} \alpha_{a - t + 1}^a + \beta_a \mu_{ij0} + \varepsilon_{ij}(a) \]
Estimation strategies:
Each with their own caveats
Non-experimental estimations
Require strong assumptions
Require rich data
(Quasi-)Experimental estimations
May not recover structural parameters
Ignore general equilibrium
Issues with scaling List (2022)
Source: Dalliard (2022)
Meta-analysis of >17,000 twin-analyses (>1,500 cognitive traits)
Exogenous variation due to court decisions or legislative action
Large variation of spending effects on test scores
Not clear how money was used
Role of differences in regulatory environments
Similar results for participation rates are all positive (mostly significant)
Quasi-experimental variation in Israel: Maimonides rule
Rule from Babylonian Talmud, interpreted by Maimonides in XII century:
If there are more than forty [students], two teachers must be appointed
Sharp drops in class sizes with 41, 81, … cohort sizes in schools
Regression discontinuity design (RDD)
Maimonides rule: \(f_{sc} = \frac{E_s}{\text{int}\left(\frac{E_s - 1}{40}\right) + 1}\)
“Fuzzy” RDD
First stage: \(n_{sc} = X_{sc} \pi_0 + f_{sc} \pi_1 + \xi_{sc}\)
Second stage: \(y_{sc} = X_{s}\beta + n_{sc}\alpha + \eta_s + \mu_c + \epsilon_{sc}\)
Source: Angrist and Lavy (1999) Figure I
Grade 5 | Grade 4 | |||
Reading | Math | Reading | Math | |
Class size | -0.410 | -0.185 | -0.098 | 0.095 |
(0.113) | (0.151) | (0.090) | (0.114) | |
Mean score | 74.5 | 67.0 | 72.5 | 68.7 |
SD score | 8.2 | 10.2 | 7.8 | 9.1 |
Obs | 471 | 471 | 415 | 415 |
Project STAR: 79 schools, 6323 children in 1985-86 cohort in Tennessee
Randomly assigned students into
small class (13-17 students)
large class (20-25 students)
\[ Y = \alpha + \beta SMALL + X\delta +\varepsilon \]
Randomization means students between classes are on average similar
\(\boldsymbol{\Rightarrow} \color{#9a2515}{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\) is causal
Dependent variable | \(SMALL\) | Class quality1 |
Test score percentile (at \(t = 0\)), % | 4.81 (1.05) |
0.662 (0.024) |
College by age 27, % | 1.91 (1.19) |
0.108 (0.053) |
College quality, $ | 119 (96.8) |
9.328 (4.573) |
Wage earnings, $ | 4.09 (327) |
53.44 (24.84) |
Source: Chetty et al. (2011) Table IX
2-year pilot program in 2007 among lowest-performing schools in NYC
Relative rank of schools in each subscore
Bonus sizes:
Instrumental variable approach (LATE = ATT):
\[ \begin{align} Y &= \alpha_2 + \beta_2 X + \pi_2 ~ \text{incentive} + \epsilon \\ \text{incentive} &= \alpha_1 + \beta_1 X + \pi_1 ~ \text{treatment} + \xi \end{align} \]
Elementary | Middle | High | |
English | -0.010 (0.015) |
-0.026 (0.010) |
-0.003 (0.043) |
Math | -0.014 (0.018) |
-0.040 (0.016) |
-0.018 (0.029) |
Science | -0.018 (0.037) |
Graduation | -0.053 (0.026) |
Incentive size was too small (\(\approx 4.1\)% of annual salary)
Incentive scheme too complex to nudge a certain behaviour
Bonuses were distributed \(\approx\) equally \(\Rightarrow\) free-riding problem
Incentivising output vs input
Effort of existing teachers vs selection into teaching
Change in teacher pay scheme in Wisconsin in 2011:
Main results:
FP \(\uparrow\) salary of high-quality teachers relative to low-quality
high-quality teachers moved to FP districts (low-quality to SP)
teacher effort \(\uparrow\) in FP districts relative to SP
student test scores \(\uparrow 0.06\sigma\) (1/3 of effect of \(\downarrow\) class size by 5)
Prestigious exam schools in Boston and New York
Students from public schools can transfer at 7th or 9th grades
Admission based on test scores, GPA and school preference ranking
Selectivity affects peer composition at either side of the cutoff
Source: Abdulkadiroğlu, Angrist, and Pathak (2014), Figure 2
Source: Abdulkadiroğlu, Angrist, and Pathak (2014), Table VI
No effect of peer composition on academic success variables!
Dale and Krueger (2002) study admission into selective colleges in the US
No effect on average earnings
Positive effect on earnings of students from low-income families
Kanninen, Kortelainen, and Tervonen (2023): selective schools in Finland
No effect on high school exit exam score
Positive effect on university enrollment and graduation rates
No impact on income
RCT among schools in remote areas of Istanbul
Carefully designed curriculum promoting grit (\(\geq 2\)h/week for 12 weeks)
Treated students are more likely to
These effects persist 2.5 years after the intervention
Squicciarini (2020): adoption of technical education in France in 1870-1914
Machin and McNally (2008): ‘literacy hour’ introduced in UK in 1998/99
highly structured framework for teaching
\(\uparrow\) English and reading skills of primary schoolchildren
Academic achievement is complex function of student, parent, school and non-school inputs
Measuring achievement can also be difficult
Genetic and environmental factors from twin studies almost 50/50
Large variation in school resource effects (from \(\ll 0\) to \(\gg 0\))
Studies of class size, teacher incentives, peer effects and curricula
Another (often overlooked) step is scaling up to the population
Next: Technological shift and labour markets